
미국, 캐나다 G1-G8을 위한 소수 정예 독서토론 클래스 베어북클럽

About 베어북클럽 (BearBookClub)

베어북클럽 홈페이지

베어북클럽 BearBookClub은 2020년도 미국 실리콘 밸리에서 탄생한 미국 현지 초등, 중등 정교사와 독서 교육 전문가들이 직접 독자 연구 개발한 아이비리그 독서법과 미국 현지 북클럽 문화를 온라인 zoom 플랫폼으로 제공합니다.

아이비리그 커리큘럼팀이 개발한 5X Reading Method를 통해 미래의 글로벌 리더가 갖춰야 할 고급 수준의 영어와 종합 사고력을 향상시키는 미국에서 최초로 출발한 유일한  Ivy League식 북디베이팅 커리큘럼입니다.

일론 머스크, 오바마 대통령이 활용한 독서 200% 활용법!

All Inclusive = 문해력 + 사고력 + 작문력 + 논리적 말하기

베어북클럽과 함께 미국 최상위 언어실력으로 성장해보세요.

미국 실리콘밸리에서 진행하는

창의적인 사고 글쓰기 과정  Intensive Creative Writing Class

Creative Writing 'The Sense of Wonder'

나만의 감각으로 나의 생각을 다양하게 표현하는 클래스

다양한 형태의 창의적 글쓰기를 배우고, 직접 출판까지 해보는 Become a writer!클래스

매주 수업 외 선생님과 라이브 첨삭 제공!


다양한 방법으로 자신의 생각을 글로 표한 할 수 있습니다.

창의적인 사고 과정을 글로 변환할 수 있습니다.

작가로서 자신만의 문체를 발견하고 개발할 수 있습니다.

자신만의 문체로 만든 책을 미국에서 출판할 수 있습니다.

수업 개요

대상 : G4- G8 (초등학교 4학년-중학교 2학년) 레벨테스트 없음

수업 :  매주 80분 수업, 매주 첨삭 숙제 (총 4회)

참가비 : $43.75 / 주 (4주 과정), 총 $175

추천인 코드 : eZN0mH

친구 추천 최대 150불 할인!

지금 친구 추천인 코드와 함께 $15 할인 받아 시작해보세요

What’s Included?

💡세계적인 대학 출신의 현직 극작가들이 작가로서의 아이들의 특별한 능력을 깨워드립니다.

💡4번의 초안-퇴고-첨삭 과정이 포함됩니다.

💡수업 내 질의 응답을 통한 1:1 첨삭 교정이 제공됩니다.

💡창의적인 능력을 끌어내기 위하여 아이비리그 커리큘럼팀이 개발한 다양한 글쓰기 활동을 진행합니다.


What are the differences between Intensive Creative Writing and Intensive Academic Writing?

The Intensive Academic Writing club will cover topics such as writing conventions, mechanics, organization, sentence fluency, word choice, and grammar. Through interactive live feedback provided by the teachers, students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of writing topics through analyzing the curated books of all time. The Intensive Creative Writing Class, designed by our Ivy League Curriculum team, will focus on the creative processes of varying writing genres of Poetry, Musical Writing, Persuasive writing and more! With the guidance and feedback of our top-rated instructors, the students will get to write their own masterpiece. They will learn how to discover, develop, convey and express their ideas in the same manner as college students - through a process of draft production and revisions.

How do we get writing feedback/correction?

Students will receive 2 types of feedback.

Live feedback: During class, students will receive one on one, direct feedback from the instructors in live time as they work on writing their pieces.

Google Doc Feedback: Students will be able to submit their works for proof reading, corrections, and comments from the instructor. Through the feedback of our top-rated teachers, students will receive guidance on grammar, punctuation, word choice, and structure to develop about organization, clarity and fluency in their writing - furthering their writing skills and the completion of their masterpieces.

What is special about the Intensive Writing Class? How is it different from other writing classes?

Our writing classes have special ingredients for our kids to survive in the era of Information overflow and AI.

Intensive Academic Writing utilizes Bear Book Club’s curated booklists, which is selected based on the curriculum of Ivy League schools and prestigious Private Boarding schools. Through these books, students get to learn how professional writers express and formulate their opinion and broaden perspectives

Intensive Creative Writing is produced by the playwright of the world-class drama school Stanford and Carnegie Mellon University. The class is truly a rare opportunity - providing students with a chance to learn from Top-rated teachers in their field, otherwise inaccessible. Unlike other writing courses, the Intensive Creative Writing course covers an array of genres - providing a variety of ways in which students can develop their creativity through writing.

Academic Writing

with great books

명작을 읽는 것보다 활용하는게 더 중요하다!

명작을 읽는데서 그치지 않고 이를 이용하여 논리적으로 글을 쓰는 방법을 배우는 리딩과 라이팅 실력을 한번에 키우는 아카데믹 라이팅 클래스

도서 리스트   예시

4학년 - 5학년

- Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate Dicamillo

- The Tale of Despereaux by Kate Dicamillo

6학년 - 8학년

- The Giver by Luis Lowry

- Gathering Blue by Luis Lowry


내가 읽은 정보 또는 콘텐츠를 분석하고 활용할 수 있다.

내가 읽은 정보 또는 콘텐츠를 활용하여 논리적인 글을 작성한다.

상위권 학교 진학 및 사고력 확장에 큰 도움이 되는 명작을 읽고 활용할 수 있다.

수업 개요

대상 : G4- G8 (초등학교 4학년-중학교 2학년) 레벨테스트 없음

수업 : 50분, In Class Writing 4회 , 초안-퇴고-첨삭 2회

참가비 : $31.25/주 (4주 과정), 총 $125

커리큘럼 기간 : 6개월

What’s Included?

💡명문고등학교, 명문대학교 진학을 위해 명작을 분석하고 격식 있는 에세이 작성의 기초를 배웁니다.

💡초안 작성-퇴고-첨삭을 2회 진행합니다.

💡수업 중 질의 응답을 통해 1:1 실시간 라이브 피드백을 제공합니다.

💡고등교육에 필요한 글쓰기 능력을 키우는 아카데믹 라이팅은 총 6개월 과정으로 구성되어 있습니다.


What are the differences between Intensive Creative Writing and Intensive Academic Writing?

The Intensive Academic Writing club will cover topics such as writing conventions, mechanics, organization, sentence fluency, word choice, and grammar. Through interactive live feedback provided by the teachers, students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of writing topics through analyzing the curated books of all time. The Intensive Creative Writing Class, designed by our Ivy League Curriculum team, will focus on the creative processes of varying writing genres of Poetry, Musical Writing, Persuasive writing and more! With the guidance and feedback of our top-rated instructors, the students will get to write their own masterpiece. They will learn how to discover, develop, convey and express their ideas in the same manner as college students - through a process of draft production and revisions.

How do we get writing feedback/correction?

Students will receive 2 types of feedback.

Live feedback: During class, students will receive one on one, direct feedback from the instructors in live time as they work on writing their pieces.

Google Doc Feedback: Students will be able to submit their works for proof reading, corrections, and comments from the instructor. Through the feedback of our top-rated teachers, students will receive guidance on grammar, punctuation, word choice, and structure to develop about organization, clarity and fluency in their writing - furthering their writing skills and the completion of their masterpieces.

What is special about the Intensive Writing Class? How is it different from other writing classes?

Our writing classes have special ingredients for our kids to survive in the era of Information overflow and AI.

Intensive Academic Writing utilizes Bear Book Club’s curated booklists, which is selected based on the curriculum of Ivy League schools and prestigious Private Boarding schools. Through these books, students get to learn how professional writers express and formulate their opinion and broaden perspectives

Intensive Creative Writing is produced by the playwright of the world-class drama school Stanford and Carnegie Mellon University. The class is truly a rare opportunity - providing students with a chance to learn from Top-rated teachers in their field, otherwise inaccessible. Unlike other writing courses, the Intensive Creative Writing course covers an array of genres - providing a variety of ways in which students can develop their creativity through writing.

베어북클럽 :

Early Bird Promotion Save 10% by Registering till 10/1! (Registration Begins Sep 26th) October 18th - December 18th (8 weeks)  한국어 설명 Class Info Meet our Book-Debate Masters Devon #M.A Carnegie Mellon University #6+ years Literature class #Master of Student Management Katelyn #Certified Teacher in M...

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출처 : 베어북클럽 | 사진을 클릭해주세요

수강신청 가이드

출처 : 베어북클럽 | 사진을 클릭해주세요

베어북클럽과 함께 미국 최상위 언어실력으로 성장해보세요.

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